Interests 🌟

  • Currently exploring distributed systems, cloud, and security.

More Life 🌊


  • Been using Obsidian to Cmd + F my brain for a few years and it’s a great tool to throw ideas, notes, and thoughts into.


  • Got the automatic jumper, pick pocket, and dimmer badge. Goat? MJ.

Gaming 🎮

  1. Warzone - Either dropping 20 bombs or getting dropped.
  2. FIFA - I know how to use R stick.
  3. League of Legends - Yasuo main, 0/10 powerspike.
  4. Valorant - Don’t play this game, but I’m a Radiant.
  5. Minecraft - They made survival mode too realistic these days.
  6. Cup Pong - Absolute demon.
  7. Chess - Probably grandmaster in my past life.
  8. Among Us - I’m always sus.
  9. Rocket League - Just play FIFA…
  10. Fortnite - I’m a bot.

Photography 📸

  • Natural tourist. I just use my phone and struggling to afford cloud storage. Please help, thanks.

Reading 📚

  • Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, Global Edition 9th Edition by William Stallings (forced to read this for SE 350 at UW).
  • Instagram captions, comments, and DMs.
  • Messages from my mom.
  • Random whatsapp forwards.
  • Occasional Reddit threads.
  • Whatever’s on my Twitter feed.
  • ChatGPT generated text.


Top 5 artists:

  1. Drake
  2. Arjit Singh

Honestly, the rest dont matter. Some bomb playlists in my bag: